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What-Is-Difference-Between-Education*(Formal/non-Formal)and Inteligance

Here we will examine the use of terms and non-formal education and non-formal and informal because it had developed since the late 1960s. In spite of the popularity of terms for poor countries, as has been applied to industrial countries, especially in the context of community education and work with groups under represented in mainstream provision of adult education (the unemployed, for example, the working class and women who are looking for work).

This became the classification of the current educational programs in the early 1970s. For twenty years after 1945, and almost all educational systems grew at a faster rate than ever before, with a doubling of school enrollment rates in many countries (Coombs 1985: 3). Political and social unrest during and after the end of World War II was accompanied, from the belief that the rapid expansion of education was a necessary incentive for social reconstruction and development, both in industrialized countries, and a growing number of newly independent states.
In the 1950s and early 1960s, and was supposed by many commentators, at least by the teachers themselves, and this was a linear expansion of formal education desirable and inevitable. It was also supposed that there is a direct relationship between education and economic expansion: the growth in the number of learners and the number of jobs likely to become available. It seems that this naive belief today, but it was the accepted wisdom of the time.

The main challenge to conventional wisdom came from educational planners. In 1967, an international conference Williams of the United States, and developed ideas for what was to be read on a large scale analysis of the 'global education crisis is growing (Coombs 1968). There was growing concern about: inappropriate curriculum. The realization that the educational growth and economic growth were not necessarily in step, and that the jobs do not show a direct result of educational inputs. Above all, many countries and found that they did not fully able, or at least is willing to pay the rising costs ever written for unlimited expansion. The result was that the formal education systems modified very slowly social and economic changes around them, and they not only held back by their own portfolios, but also from the inertia of the communities themselves. If we accept also that educational policy-making process tends to follow, rather than the other leading social trends, then followed that would change must come not only through formal education, but of the wider community and other sectors within it. It was from this point of departure that planners and economists at the World Bank began to distinguish between formal and non-formal and informal.

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